How to Open a Dispensary in Maryland

How to open a dispensary in Maryland

With MD’s new adult-use legalization — in effect as of July 1, 2023 — now’s a great time to get in on the action.

This guide is designed to help prospective cannabis entrepreneurs understand the specifics of opening a dispensary, including key details like licensing, financing, real estate, security, staffing, compliance, inventory, tech stack, and more.

Scroll through for a step-by-step process for getting a dispensary open in Maryland, or use the links on the left to jump to what you need.

Before you start, take a moment to review Maryland’s cannabis laws. With new legislation, and the transition from medical marijuana only to adult-use, there are many changing laws that you need to be aware of.

Disclaimer: Always consult your lawyer, accountant, realtor, or other trusted consultants to help you navigate the complexities of opening a cannabis dispensary. The information provided herein is designed to illustrate and educate, but is not to be construed as legal or financial advice.

Plan your Maryland cannabis business

The first step in your dispensary ownership plan is to get your business affairs in order. This is where you understand your state’s cannabis laws, create your formal business entity, and prepare to submit your application.

Here are the key elements to this stage:

Form a business entity

Read next!

Can dispensaries use banks?

Then you will get tax ID numbers for the business, open a business bank account at a cannabis-friendly bank or credit union, and look into business insurance.

Write a business plan

It may be tempting to skip this step, but take the time to document your plan: growth, partners, team, vision, etc.

Your dispensary business plan will go through the regulatory body for Maryland, called the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA). You are required to submit your dispensary business plan as part of the application process. The plan must “demonstrate a likelihood of success and sufficient ability and experience on the part of the applicant, and providing for appropriate employee working conditions…”

The MCA also requires a detailed operational plan for the “safe, secure, and effective operation of the business” and a detailed diversity plan.

A good business plan for MD dispensaries should include:

Note: The MCA used to be called the MMCC (Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission), but changed their name after recreational legalization to more accurately reflect.

Dispensary business plan template

Find a location

Your dispensary location is a critical piece of the puzzle, but not an easy one. You’ll need something in a visible location, with ample parking, and enough space.

Every state has specific regulations about where dispensaries can be located. In Maryland, your dispensary must not locate within 500 feet of:

Similarly, your Maryland dispensary cannot be within 1,000 feet of another dispensary under the same title.

And it needs to be a municipality that accepts cannabis businesses. Municipalities in Maryland have the authority to establish their own regulations, so you’ll need to be sure you know all applicable laws.

You don’t need to have a location chosen in order to apply for a dispensary license. The state has said that they may not require an applicant to possess or own property where they plan to operate their cannabis business at the time of application, but it’s good practice to include your location in your business plan, if possible.

Find a local real estate professional who specializes in cannabis real estate to help in your search. And use the public resources available to you, like city zoning and administration offices.

When looking for a location, focus on spaces that align with your business plan, are large enough to meet your needs, are in an appropriate location to serve foot traffic (and/or have enough parking), have opportunities for expansion/growth, and are within your budget. Don’t just look at monthly costs, but also factor in how much it’ll take to renovate or retrofit the space for your business needs. Finally, look at local competition (both existing and planned).

There are many factors that go into finding the perfect location for your dispensary. Take the time necessary to secure the best possible space to help ensure your success.

Secure funding

Now that you have a plan for your cannabis business, you can start to build a more clear budget for your new dispensary.

Your business expenses will generally fit into these categories:

Where will all that money come from? As a cannabis business owner, you have a few options for funding:

What does it cost to open a dispensary in Maryland?

Most sources suggest having between $250,000 – $1 million to open a dispensary in Maryland. But that’s not all that helpful. Here’s a closer formula for you to fill in as you know your estimated expenses, but we’ll get you started with some rough estimates based on a single recreational dispensary.

Note: This estimate is for a standard business. Micro businesses have significantly reduced fees.

Application and licensing fees in Maryland = $10,000