Protein Synthesis: Translation

DNA’s biggest process is protein synthesis. This is how the growth and repair of our body occurs. DNA provides a template upon which proteins are coded for. There is some slightly confusing terminology in this section.

Table of Contents

Protein synthesis is the process by which the base sequence found in genes on DNA is used to make polypeptides.

Protein synthesis occurs in two major phases:

  1. Transcription – during which a strand of mRNA is synthesised from a particular gene template.
  2. Translation – during which the mRNA attaches to the ribosome, which recruits tRNAs carrying amino acids in order to make a polypeptide.


RNA is ribonucleic acid – it is similar to DNA but it is single stranded and contains uracil instead of thymine.

An important part of protein synthesis is that the DNA stays in the nucleus. Now if the DNA stays in the nucleus, how does it reach the organelles to allow protein synthesis to occur?



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DNA Base Order and Protein Structure

This therefore means that the order of the bases in the DNA determines what amino acids are recruited and what polypeptides are made. Therefore, the structure of the DNA influences what protein is made.

Protein Synthesis: Translation

Protein Shape and Enzymes

Once these protein chains are formed, they are folded in a few ways, so each protein has its own unique shape for example, enzymes, antibodies, receptors, neurotransmitters etc. The unique shape is imperative for enzymes, as they have their own individual active sites. These active sites must be individual to each enzyme as they must have a complementary shape to their substrate, to ensure the functionality of the enzyme.

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Gene Expression and Proteins

The expression of proteins can be altered by switching genes on and off. Now how does this occur?

Protein Synthesis: Translation

Protein Synthesis: Translation

→What is DNA and what does it do?

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, and it is the blueprint that contains the instructions for building proteins in our cells. It determines our genetic makeup and helps our bodies function properly.

→What is protein synthesis and why is it important?

Protein synthesis is the process of creating proteins from the instructions in DNA. Proteins are essential for many processes in our bodies, including growth and repair, so protein synthesis is crucial for our overall health.

→What is translation in protein synthesis?

Translation is the second step of protein synthesis, where the instructions in the DNA code are translated into a protein molecule. This is done by ribosomes in the cell, using the genetic code and a molecule called messenger RNA.

→What is messenger RNA and how does it help in translation?

Messenger RNA is a molecule that carries the instructions from the DNA to the ribosomes, where it helps the ribosomes read the code and build the protein.

→What is the genetic code and how does it work in translation?

The genetic code is a set of instructions that tells the ribosomes which amino acids to use to build a protein. It is made up of codons, which are sequences of three nucleotides (building blocks of DNA) that specify a particular amino acid. The ribosomes use this code to match the messenger RNA to the right amino acids and build the protein.

→What role do ribosomes play in translation?

Ribosomes are the “workstations” of the cell where proteins are synthesized. They use the information in the messenger RNA to build the protein, matching codons to the right amino acids and linking them together in the correct order.

→How does translation ensure the accuracy of protein synthesis?

Translation is carefully regulated to make sure that the right amino acids are used in the right order to build the protein correctly. Any mistakes in the genetic code can cause problems with the protein and potentially lead to health problems.

→Can translation go wrong?

Yes, there are several ways that translation can go wrong, such as mutations in the DNA code or problems with the ribosomes. These errors can result in the creation of non-functional or harmful proteins, which can cause health problems.

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AQA 1. Cell biology

AQA 2. Organisation

AQA 3. Infection and response

AQA 4. Bioenergetics

Food Security – Sustainable Fisheries (GCSE Biology)

Biotechnology – Biotechnology & GM Foods (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Farming Techniques (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Food Production & Security (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Mainatining Bioversity (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Deforestation (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Land Use & Destruction of Peat Bogs (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Pollution and Global Warming (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – Human Population & Increasing Waste (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – (GCSE Biology)

AQA 5. Homeostasis and response

Types of Diseases – Fungal and Protist Diseases (GCSE Biology)

AQA 6. Inheritance, variation and evolution

AQA 7. Ecology

AQA 8. Key ideas

CIE IGCSE 1 Characteristics and classification of living organisms

Classification – (GCSE Biology)

Exercise & Metabolism – Metabolism (GCSE Biology)

Aerobic Respiration – (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 10 Diseases and immunity

Disease Prevention – Human Disease Prevention Systems (GCSE Biology)

The Immune System – Memory of the Immune System (GCSE Biology)

The Immune System – Vaccination (GCSE Biology)

The Immune System – The Role of Antibodies and Antitoxins – (GCSE Biology)

The Immune System – The Immune System and Phagocytosis (GCSE Biology)

Pathogens, Disease and Transmission – Preventing Transmission of Disease (GCSE Biology)

Pathogens, Disease and Transmission – Transmission of Disease (GCSE Biology)

Pathogens, Disease and Transmission – Pathogens Leading to Disease (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 11 Gas exchange in humans

The Lungs – (GCSE Biology)

Exchange Surfaces – Exchange Surfaces: Increasing their Effectiveness (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 12 Respiration

Exercise & Metabolism – Bodily Responses to Exercise (GCSE Biology)

Anaerobic Respiration – Plants and Fungi (GCSE Biology)

Anaerobic Respiration – Animals (GCSE Biology)

Aerobic Respiration – (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 13 Excretion in humans

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Kidney Transplantation (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Kidney Failure and Dialysis (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – The Kidneys and Excretion (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Osmoregulation (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 14 Coordination and response

Plant Hormones – Commercial Use of Plant Hormones (GCSE Biology)

Plant Hormones – Experiments on Plant Responses (GCSE Biology)

Plant Hormones – Tropisms: Phototropism & Geotropism (GCSE Biology)

Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Diabetes Mellitus: Type I & II (GCSE Biology)

Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Increasing and Decreasing Blood Glucose Levels (GCSE Biology)

Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Blood Glucose Homeostasis (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – Increasing and Decreasing Body Temperature (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – Thermoregulation (GCSE Biology)

Human Endocrine System – Hormones: Adrenaline and Thyroxine (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 15 Drugs

Antibiotics – Drug Resistance, Antivirals and Antiseptics (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Drugs: Antibiotics and Painkillers (GCSE Biology)

Lifestyle & Disease – Effects of Smoking and Alcohol on Health (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 16 Reproduction

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – Sexual Reproduction: Pros and Cons (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – Asexual Reproduction: Pros and Cons (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – (GCSE Biology)

Treating Infertility – IVF: Development and Treatment Issues (GCSE Biology)

Treating Infertility – Drugs, IVF and AI for Infertility (GCSE Biology)

Contraception – Hormonal Contraception: The Pill, Patches & Implants (GCSE Biology)

Contraception – Contraception and Non-Hormonal Contraception (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – The Menstrual Cycle: Graphs (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – The Menstrual Cycle: Hormonal Interactions (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – The Menstrual Cycle: Hormones (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 17 Inheritance

Meiosis – Mitosis and Meiosis (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Sex Determination (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Genetic Diagrams (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Genes and Inheritance (GCSE Biology)

DNA – Protein Synthesis: Translation (GCSE Biology)

DNA – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

Cell Division – Stem Cell Types (GCSE Biology)

Cell Division – The Cell Cycle and Mitosis (GCSE Biology)

Cell Division – Nucleus and Chromosomes (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 18 Variation and selection

Ecosystems – Extremophiles (GCSE Biology)

Ecosystems – Adaptations (GCSE Biology)

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Evidence for Evolution: Resistant Bacteria (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Selective Breeding (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Evolution and Natural Selection (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Variation and Its Causes (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Inherited Disorders (GCSE Biology)

DNA – Mutations (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 19 Organisms and their environment

REARRANGED ORDER – Deforestation (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Pollution and Global Warming (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – Human Population & Increasing Waste (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – Decomposition & The Nitrogen Cycle (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – The Water Cycle (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – Cycles & The Carbon Cycle (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Transfer of Biomass (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Pyramids of Biomass (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Trophic Levels & Food Chains (GCSE Biology)

Ecosystems – Biotic Factors (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 2 Organisation of the organism

Transport in Plants – How Plants are Adapted for Photosynthesis (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Cell Organisation (GCSE Biology)

Microscopes & Cultures – Cell Size and Area Estimations (GCSE Biology)

Microscopes & Cultures – Magnification and Unit Conversions (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Specialised Cells: More Cells (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Specialised Cells: Sperm Cells (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Animal and Plant Cells (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 20 Biotechnology and genetic engineering

Biotechnology – Biotechnology & GM Foods (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Genetic Engineering (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 21 Human influences on ecosystems

Food Security – Sustainable Fisheries (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Farming Techniques (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Food Production & Security (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Mainatining Bioversity (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Deforestation (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Land Use & Destruction of Peat Bogs (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Pollution and Global Warming (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 3 Movement in and out of cells

Simple Molecular Covalent Structures (GCSE Chemistry)

Exchange Surfaces – Surface Areas to Volume Ratios (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Diffusion – (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Active Transport (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Measuring the Effects of Osmosis (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Osmosis (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Factors that Affect the Rate of Diffusion (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 4 Biological molecules

DNA – Its Structure (GCSE Biology)

DNA – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Protein and Lipids: Breakdown (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Carbohydrates: Breakdown and Synthesis (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 5 Enzymes

Enzymes & Digestion – Enzyme Action: Factors that Affect it (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Enzymes: An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 6 Plant nutrition

Plant Disease & Defence – Plant Diseases and Deficiencies (GCSE Biology)

Photosynthesis: Greenhouses – (GCSE Biology)

Photosynthesis: Limiting Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis – (GCSE Biology)

Photosynthesis: An Introduction – (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Plants – How Plants are Adapted for Photosynthesis (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Plants – Structure of a Plant (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 7 Human nutrition

Types of Diseases – Bacterial Diseases: Cholera and Tuberculosis – (GCSE Biology)

Lifestyle & Disease – Diet and Exercise (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – The Digestive System (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Protein and Lipids: Breakdown (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Carbohydrates: Breakdown and Synthesis (GCSE Biology)

Exchange Surfaces – Exchange Surfaces: Increasing their Effectiveness (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 8 Transport in plants

Transpiration – Plant Water Loss (GCSE Biology)

Transpiration – Transpiration Rates (GCSE Biology)

Transpiration – Transpiration in Plants (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Plants – Structure of a Plant (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Plants – Transport Systems in Plants (GCSE Biology)

Exchange Surfaces – Exchange Surfaces: Increasing their Effectiveness (GCSE Biology)

CIE IGCSE 9 Transport in animals

Cardiovascular Disease: Prophylactic Treatment (GCSE Biology)

Cardiovascular Disease: Artificial Hearts and Transplants (GCSE Biology)

Cardiovascular Disease: Stents and Lifestyle (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels: Veins and Capillaries (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels – White Blood Cells and Platelets (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels – Plasma and Red Blood Cells (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels – Arteries (GCSE Biology)

The Circulatory System – Heart: Structure and Function (GCSE Biology)

Circulatory System – The Double Circulatory System (GCSE Biology)

Circulatory System – The Single Circulatory System (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 1 - Key concepts in biology

Exercise & Metabolism – Metabolism (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Enzyme Action: Factors that Affect it (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Enzyme Action: Reaction Rates (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Carbohydrates: Breakdown and Synthesis (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Protein and Lipids: Breakdown (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Enzymes: An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Diffusion – (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Active Transport (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Measuring the Effects of Osmosis (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Osmosis (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 2 - Cells and control

Meiosis – Mitosis and Meiosis (GCSE Biology)

The Eye – The Eye: Its Responses – (GCSE Biology)

The Eye – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

The Brain – Treatments and Challenges (GCSE Biology)

The Brain – Electrical Stimulation and Scans (GCSE Biology)

The Brain – Structures of the Brain (GCSE Biology)

Synapses & Reflexes – Reflexes and the Reflex Arc (GCSE Biology)

Synapses & Reflexes – Synapses (GCSE Biology)

Structure & Function of Nervous System – Structures of the Nervous System (GCSE Biology)

Structure & Function of Nervous System – Functions of the Nervous System (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 3 - Genetics

Variation – The Human Genome Project (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Variation and Its Causes (GCSE Biology)

Meiosis – Mitosis and Meiosis (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Experiments by Mendel (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Sex Determination (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Genetic Diagrams (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Genes and Inheritance (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – Sexual Reproduction: Pros and Cons (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – Asexual Reproduction: Pros and Cons (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 4 - Natural selection and genetic modification

Biotechnology – Biotechnology & GM Foods (GCSE Biology)

Classification – (GCSE Biology)

Fossils & Extinction – Evidence for Evolution: Fossils (GCSE Biology)

Fossils & Extinction – Fossil Formation (GCSE Biology)

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Evidence for Evolution: Resistant Bacteria (GCSE Biology)

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Theory of Speciation (GCSE Biology)

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Theory of Evolution: Darwin and Lamarck (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Cloning (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Genetic Engineering (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Selective Breeding (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 5 - Health, disease and the development of medicines

Plant Disease & Defence – Chemical and Mechanical Plant Defences – (GCSE Biology)

Plant Disease & Defence – Physical Plant Defences (GCSE Biology)

Plant Disease & Defence – Identifying Plant Diseases (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Monoclonal Antibodies in Disease Treatment and Research (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Monoclonal Antibodies in Pregnancy Tests (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Producing Monoclonal Antibodies (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Developing Drugs: Trials and Placebos (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Developing Drugs: Discovery and Development (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Drug Resistance, Antivirals and Antiseptics (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Drugs: Antibiotics and Painkillers (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 6 - Plant structures and their functions

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Trophic Levels & Food Chains (GCSE Biology)

Plant Hormones – Commercial Use of Plant Hormones (GCSE Biology)

Plant Hormones – Tropisms: Phototropism & Geotropism (GCSE Biology)

Photosynthesis: The Inverse Square Law – (GCSE Biology)

Photosynthesis: Limiting Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis – (GCSE Biology)

Photosynthesis: An Introduction – (GCSE Biology)

Transpiration – Plant Water Loss (GCSE Biology)

Transpiration – Transpiration Rates (GCSE Biology)

Transpiration – Transpiration in Plants (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Plants – How Plants are Adapted for Photosynthesis (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 7 - Animal coordination, control and homeostasis

Treating Infertility – IVF: Development and Treatment Issues (GCSE Biology)

Treating Infertility – Drugs, IVF and AI for Infertility (GCSE Biology)

Contraception – Hormonal Contraception: The Pill, Patches & Implants (GCSE Biology)

Contraception – Contraception and Non-Hormonal Contraception (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – The Menstrual Cycle: Hormonal Interactions (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – The Menstrual Cycle: Hormones (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – Puberty and Hormones (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Kidney Transplantation (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Kidney Failure and Dialysis (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Anti-Diuretic Hormone (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 8 - Exchange and transport in animals

Exercise & Metabolism – Bodily Responses to Exercise (GCSE Biology)

Anaerobic Respiration – Animals (GCSE Biology)

Aerobic Respiration – (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels: Veins and Capillaries (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels – White Blood Cells and Platelets (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels – Plasma and Red Blood Cells (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels – Arteries (GCSE Biology)

The Circulatory System – Heart: Structure and Function (GCSE Biology)

Circulatory System – The Double Circulatory System (GCSE Biology)

The Lungs – (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel 9 - Ecosystems and material cycles

Food Security – Sustainable Fisheries (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Farming Techniques (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Food Production & Security (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Mainatining Bioversity (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Deforestation (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Land Use & Destruction of Peat Bogs (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Pollution and Global Warming (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – Human Population & Increasing Waste (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – The Impact of Environmental Change (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel IGCSE 1 - The nature and variety of living organisms

Types of Diseases – Viral Diseases: HIV (GCSE Biology)

Types of Diseases – Sexually Transmitted Infections (GCSE Biology)

Types of Diseases – Viral Diseases:TMV, Measles and Ebola (GCSE Biology)

Types of Diseases – Fungal and Protist Diseases (GCSE Biology)

Pathogens, Disease and Transmission – Pathogens Leading to Disease (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Bacterial Cells (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Animal and Plant Cells (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel IGCSE 2 - Structure and functions in living organisms

Plant Hormones – Tropisms: Phototropism & Geotropism (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – Puberty and Hormones (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Anti-Diuretic Hormone (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – The Kidneys and Excretion (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Osmoregulation (GCSE Biology)

Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Increasing and Decreasing Blood Glucose Levels (GCSE Biology)

Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Blood Glucose Homeostasis (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – Increasing and Decreasing Body Temperature (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – Thermoregulation (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel IGCSE 3 - Reproduction and inheritance

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Evidence for Evolution: Resistant Bacteria (GCSE Biology)

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Theory of Evolution: Darwin and Lamarck (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Evolution and Natural Selection (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Variation and Its Causes (GCSE Biology)

Meiosis – Mitosis and Meiosis (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Sex Determination (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Genetic Diagrams (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Genes and Inheritance (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – (GCSE Biology)

DNA – Mutations (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel IGCSE 4 - Ecology and the environment

REARRANGED ORDER – Deforestation (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Pollution and Global Warming (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – Decomposition & The Nitrogen Cycle (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – Cycles & The Carbon Cycle (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Transfer of Biomass (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Pyramids of Biomass (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Quadrat and Transect Sampling (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Trophic Levels & Food Chains (GCSE Biology)

Ecosystems – Biotic Factors (GCSE Biology)

Edexcel IGCSE 5 - Use of biological resources

Food Security – Sustainable Fisheries (GCSE Biology)

Biotechnology – Biotechnology & GM Foods (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Farming Techniques (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Food Production & Security (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Cloning (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Genetic Engineering (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Selective Breeding (GCSE Biology)

OCR B1.1 Cell structures

Cell Division – Nucleus and Chromosomes (GCSE Biology)

Microscopes & Cultures – Magnification and Unit Conversions (GCSE Biology)

Microscopes & Cultures – Microscopes (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Animal and Plant Cells (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes (GCSE Biology)

OCR B1.2 What happens in cells (and what do cells need)?

DNA – Protein Synthesis: Translation (GCSE Biology)

DNA – Its Structure (GCSE Biology)

DNA – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

Exercise & Metabolism – Metabolism (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Enzyme Action: Reaction Rates (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Enzyme Action: Factors that Affect it (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Enzymes: An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

OCR B1.3 Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration – Plants and Fungi (GCSE Biology)

Anaerobic Respiration – Animals (GCSE Biology)

Aerobic Respiration – (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Protein and Lipids: Breakdown (GCSE Biology)

Enzymes & Digestion – Carbohydrates: Breakdown and Synthesis (GCSE Biology)

OCR B1.4 Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis: The Inverse Square Law – (GCSE Biology)

Photosynthesis: Limiting Factors Affecting the Rate of Photosynthesis – (GCSE Biology)

Photosynthesis: An Introduction – (GCSE Biology)

OCR B2.1 Supplying the cell

Transport in Cells – Diffusion – (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Active Transport (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Measuring the Effects of Osmosis (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Cells – Osmosis (GCSE Biology)

Cell Division – Stem Cell Types (GCSE Biology)

Cell Division – Mitosis: its Stages (GCSE Biology)

Cell Division – The Cell Cycle and Mitosis (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Cell Differentiation (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Specialised Cells: More Cells (GCSE Biology)

Introduction to Cells – Specialised Cells: Sperm Cells (GCSE Biology)

OCR B2.2 The challenges of size

Transpiration – Plant Water Loss (GCSE Biology)

Transpiration – Transpiration Rates (GCSE Biology)

Transpiration – Transpiration in Plants (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Plants – Structure of a Plant (GCSE Biology)

Transport in Plants – Transport Systems in Plants (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels: Veins and Capillaries (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels – Plasma and Red Blood Cells (GCSE Biology)

Blood and Blood Vessels – Arteries (GCSE Biology)

The Circulatory System – Heart: Structure and Function (GCSE Biology)

Circulatory System – The Double Circulatory System (GCSE Biology)

OCR B3.1 Coordination and control – the nervous system

The Eye – The Eye: Its Responses – (GCSE Biology)

The Eye – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

The Brain – Treatments and Challenges (GCSE Biology)

The Brain – Electrical Stimulation and Scans (GCSE Biology)

The Brain – Structures of the Brain (GCSE Biology)

Synapses & Reflexes – Reflexes and the Reflex Arc (GCSE Biology)

Structure & Function of Nervous System – Structures of the Nervous System (GCSE Biology)

Structure & Function of Nervous System – Functions of the Nervous System (GCSE Biology)

OCR B3.2 Coordination and control – the endocrine system

Plant Hormones – Commercial Use of Plant Hormones (GCSE Biology)

Plant Hormones – Experiments on Plant Responses (GCSE Biology)

Plant Hormones – Tropisms: Phototropism & Geotropism (GCSE Biology)

Treating Infertility – IVF: Development and Treatment Issues (GCSE Biology)

Treating Infertility – Drugs, IVF and AI for Infertility (GCSE Biology)

Contraception – Hormonal Contraception: The Pill, Patches & Implants (GCSE Biology)

Contraception – Contraception and Non-Hormonal Contraception (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – The Menstrual Cycle: Graphs (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – The Menstrual Cycle: Hormonal Interactions (GCSE Biology)

Hormones in Human Reproduction – The Menstrual Cycle: Hormones (GCSE Biology)

OCR B3.3 Maintaining internal environments Topic

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Anti-Diuretic Hormone (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – The Kidneys and Excretion (GCSE Biology)

Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Osmoregulation (GCSE Biology)

Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Diabetes Mellitus: Type I & II (GCSE Biology)

Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Increasing and Decreasing Blood Glucose Levels (GCSE Biology)

Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Blood Glucose Homeostasis (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – Increasing and Decreasing Body Temperature (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

Homeostasis – Thermoregulation (GCSE Biology)

OCR B4.1 Ecosystems

Cycles – Decomposition & The Nitrogen Cycle (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – The Water Cycle (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – Cycles & The Carbon Cycle (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Transfer of Biomass (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Pyramids of Biomass (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Quadrat and Transect Sampling (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Trophic Levels & Food Chains (GCSE Biology)

Ecosystems – Biotic Factors (GCSE Biology)

Ecosystems – Abiotic Factors (GCSE Biology)

Ecosystems – Ecosystems and Communities (GCSE Biology)

OCR B5.1 Inheritance

Variation – Variation and Its Causes (GCSE Biology)

Meiosis – Mitosis and Meiosis (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Experiments by Mendel (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Sex Determination (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Genetic Diagrams (GCSE Biology)

Inheritance – Genes and Inheritance (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – Sexual Reproduction: Pros and Cons (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – Asexual Reproduction: Pros and Cons (GCSE Biology)

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – (GCSE Biology)

DNA – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)

OCR B5.2 Natural selection and evolution

REARRANGED ORDER – Mainatining Bioversity (GCSE Biology)

Classification – (GCSE Biology)

Fossils & Extinction – Extinctinction (GCSE Biology)

Fossils & Extinction – Evidence for Evolution: Fossils (GCSE Biology)

Fossils & Extinction – Fossil Formation (GCSE Biology)

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Evidence for Evolution: Resistant Bacteria (GCSE Biology)

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Theory of Speciation (GCSE Biology)

Development and Understanding of Evolution – Theory of Evolution: Darwin and Lamarck (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Evolution and Natural Selection (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Variation and Its Causes (GCSE Biology)

OCR B6.1 Monitoring and maintaining the environment

REARRANGED ORDER – Mainatining Bioversity (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Deforestation (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Land Use & Destruction of Peat Bogs (GCSE Biology)

REARRANGED ORDER – Pollution and Global Warming (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – Human Population & Increasing Waste (GCSE Biology)

Biodiversity – (GCSE Biology)

Cycles – The Impact of Environmental Change (GCSE Biology)

Organisation & Trophic Levels – Quadrat and Transect Sampling (GCSE Biology)

OCR B6.2 Feeding the human race

Biotechnology – Biotechnology & GM Foods (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Farming Techniques (GCSE Biology)

Food Security – Food Production & Security (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Genetic Engineering (GCSE Biology)

Variation – Selective Breeding (GCSE Biology)

OCR B6.3 Monitoring and maintaining health

Variation – Genetic Engineering (GCSE Biology)

Variation – The Human Genome Project (GCSE Biology)

Plant Disease & Defence – Plant Diseases and Deficiencies (GCSE Biology)

Plant Disease & Defence – Chemical and Mechanical Plant Defences – (GCSE Biology)

Plant Disease & Defence – Physical Plant Defences (GCSE Biology)

Plant Disease & Defence – Identifying Plant Diseases (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Monoclonal Antibodies in Disease Treatment and Research (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Monoclonal Antibodies in Pregnancy Tests (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Producing Monoclonal Antibodies (GCSE Biology)

Antibiotics – Developing Drugs: Trials and Placebos (GCSE Biology)

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