where is my CD/DVD drive?

I have tried half a dozen file managers trying to find one that's usable for a same person, and have not yet seen one that recognized the DVD drive on my dual-boot (orig Win7) machine.

asked Sep 13, 2012 at 1:55 191 2 2 gold badges 2 2 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges

The question is not clear. What happens when you insert a audio CD or DVD? what happens when you insert a data CD? Please provide more details in the question. Your CD/DVD drive is probably in NJ.

Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 2:21

2 Answers 2

If you insert a CD or DVD, it should be automatically detected and will appear as a removable media drive in the nautilus file browser, otherwise it will be hidden.

You can confirm that the CD drive is recognised by running the following command in a terminal and looking for your CD drive in the results:

sudo lshw -class disk 
answered Sep 13, 2012 at 19:13 ImaginaryRobots ImaginaryRobots 9,186 4 4 gold badges 35 35 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges

Your CD/DVD drive is always recognized. However,you will not find a icon for it unless you have mounted any CD/DVD. Once you mount a CD/DVD,you can find it in /media/DISC_NAME .

119k 57 57 gold badges 323 323 silver badges 504 504 bronze badges answered Sep 13, 2012 at 3:26 8,976 3 3 gold badges 39 39 silver badges 59 59 bronze badges

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