Cintas Vs. Unifirst: Choosing Between The Top Uniform Rental Companies

When it comes to uniform rental services, Cintas and Unifirst are two of the biggest names in the industry. Both companies offer comprehensive uniform programs, first aid and safety products, and other facility services for businesses across North America.

But when you’re looking for the best uniform rental provider for your company, how do you choose between these two giants? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll compare Cintas Vs. Unifirst across key factors like services offered, costs, customer satisfaction, and more. Read on to see how these top uniform rental companies stack up.

A Brief Comparison Table

Overview of Cintas

Founded in 1968, Cintas Corporation is the largest uniform rental company in North America. They design, manufacture, and implement corporate identity uniform programs as well as provide entrance and safety mats, restroom supplies, promotional products, first aid, safety, and fire protection products and services.

Cintas Coorporation

Overview of Unifirst

Unifirst Corporation is another large player in the uniform rental and facility services industry. Founded in 1936, the company employs over 14,000 people throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Key Differences Between Cintas And Unifirst Coorporation

1. Comparing Services: What Do Cintas and Unifirst Offer?

One of the biggest considerations when choosing a uniform rental and facility services provider is the range of services offered. Both Cintas and Unifirst offer standard uniform rental along with amenities like floor mats, restroom supplies, and first aid products. Here’s a more detailed overview of their offerings:

The range of services is quite similar between the two uniform giants. One standout difference is that Unifirst offers more specialized floor care services like daily mopping and buffing, while Cintas places more emphasis on ancillary products like promotional items and lockers.

2. Comparing Quality: Which Provider Has Better Service?

Unifirst Coorporation

More than just looking at the types of services, it’s important to consider the quality of service you’ll receive from Cintas Vs. Unifirst. Factors like attention to detail, responsiveness, delivery, invoicing, and contract flexibility can impact your satisfaction.



Downsides are relatively few but can include:

Overall, reviews indicate UniFirst delivers reliable, high-quality service while Cintas customer satisfaction is less consistent. However, service can vary locally.

3. Cintas Vs. Unifirst Pricing

Cost is often one of the most important factors when choosing a uniform rental company. However, pricing can be challenging to compare directly between Cintas and Unifirst.

Cintas Pricing

Cintas does not provide general price lists or quotes, instead preferring to offer custom pricing based on each client’s needs. Their prices depend on factors like:

Unifirst Pricing

Unifirst also offers custom quotes based on individual needs but is generally more transparent about sample pricing. Average costs for Unifirst customers include:

Published price lists are also available for common items like uniform shirts, pants, floor mats, mops, towels, and more.

For both Cintas and Unifirst, facility services like mats and restroom supplies are often offered as bundled add-ons to uniform rental programs. Required contract lengths can also impact per-week rental costs.

Melvin K. Carpenter

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