Noncustodial Parent Statement & Waivers

If parents are divorced, separated, or never married, the noncustodial parent must file a Noncustodial Parent Statement or Waiver Request along with your Financial Aid application. This presentation helps to explain this separate documentation and submission process:



How is eligibility determined when the parents are not married to each other?

It is Emerson College policy to expect information and financial support from both biological/adoptive parents of students applying for financial assistance:

What criteria is used to determine, which parent is Custodial vs. Noncustodial?

The custodial parent, as defined by federal financial aid regulation and Emerson College policy, is the biological/adoptive parent with whom the student lived more during the 12 months prior to applying for aid. If the student lived with neither parent during the prior 12 months, or lived equally with each parent, the custodial parent is the parent from whom the student received more financial support during the past 12 months or during the most recent year the student received support from a parent. In determining custodial parent status, it does not matter which parent claims the student as an exemption for tax purposes.

Noncustodial Parent Statement

What is the Noncustodial Parent Statement?

The Noncustodial Parent Statement is a form which noncustodial parents of financial assistance applicants report their income, assets, and other information. If a student's biological/adoptive parents are divorced, separated, or were never married to each other, the Noncustodial Parent Statement is required for consideration of Emerson College institutional financial assistance. Emerson College will not release, electronically or otherwise, the income and asset information of divorced/separated/never married parents to the other parent.

What if my Noncustodial Parent is reluctant to provide the necessary information?

Sometimes noncustodial parents are reluctant to provide information initially. We are happy to speak directly with them and often find that we can resolve their concerns. Providing information does not necessarily mean that a noncustodial contribution will be expected. But, his/her refusal to provide information or financial support will not, on its own, constitute sufficient justification for a waiver of this requirement and could result in decreasing the student's eligibility for financial assistance.

What if it is impossible to provide a completed Noncustodial Parent Statement?

We recognize that extenuating circumstances in individual cases may make it impossible to obtain information and/or support. If the noncustodial parent's whereabouts are unknown, if there is an established history of non-support, or if there are certain other extenuating circumstances, we may exempt the student from the Noncustodial Parent Statement requirement.

Waiving a Noncustodial Parent Statement

If you would like to request a waiver of the Noncustodial Parent Statement, you must complete the following steps prior to your Financial Aid deadline: