What is a HUD-1 Settlement Statement?

The HUD-1 Settlement Statement is a document that lists all charges and credits to the buyer and to the seller in a real estate settlement, or all the charges in a mortgage refinance.

If you applied for a mortgage on or before October 3, 2015, or if you are applying for a reverse mortgage, you receive a HUD-1. In transactions that do not include a seller, such as a refinance loan, the settlement agent may use the shortened HUD-1A form.

If you applied for a mortgage after October 3, 2015, for most kinds of mortgage loans you receive a form called the Closing Disclosure instead of a HUD-1.

Note: You will not receive a Loan Estimate or Closing Disclosure if you are shopping for:

For these kinds of loans, you should receive Truth-in-Lending disclosures. If you are shopping for a reverse mortgage, you will also receive a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) and a HUD-1 or HUD-1A Settlement Statement.

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