Confidentiality clause samples

Confidentiality clause. The Employee acknowledges that the confidentiality of the Employer’s confidential information is critical to the Employer’s success and that the Employer has invested substantial time, money and effort in developing such confidential information. Therefore, during the term of his employment and after termination thereof, the Employee undertakes not to reproduce, publish, use, disclose, show or otherwise communicate to any person or entity any of the Employer’s confidential information, unless the Employer expressly permits or instructs him to do so. This confidentiality clause applies until the confidential information becomes generally known to the public through an act of the Employer or another source, unless it becomes known to the public through the fault of one of the Employer’s employees.

03/11/2021 (Lion Electric Co)

Customer understands that certain commercial and financial information contained in this Letter Agreement is considered by Boeing as confidential. Customer agrees that it will treat this Letter Agreement and the information contained herein as confidential and will not, without the prior written consent of Boeing, disclose this Letter Agreement or any information contained herein to any other person or entity. If Customer is required by applicable law to file this Letter Agreement, or any information contained therein, with any governmental or regulatory agency, or receives a request or demand for this Letter Agreement, or any information contained therein, from any government regulatory agency or court having jurisdiction over Customer, Customer shall, upon making its decision to so file or upon receipt of the request or demand, (a)notify Boeing of such decision, request or demand and (b)notify any requesting party that this Letter Agreement is subject to this confidentiality clause. Nothing herein shall prevent Boeing from requesting the governmental regulatory agency or requesting the court for a protective order or other reasonably satisfactory assurance of confidential treatment for the information required to be disclosed.

06/11/2020 (Avianca Holdings S.A.)

5. Confidentiality. The Contracting Parties and their respective counsel represent and agree that, except for matters of public record as of the date of this Agreement, they will keep the terms and contents of this Agreement confidential, and that they will not hereinafter disclose the terms of this Agreement to other persons except as compelled by applicable law or to individuals who have a need to know about this Agreement and its contents, such as Contracting Parties’ legal counsel, tax advisors, or other retained professional representatives, all of whom shall be informed and bound by this confidentiality clause. In no event will any party make or cause to be made any comment, written statement, or press release to any member of the media concerning the fact of this settlement or the substance or terms of this settlement.

06/27/2017 (Aerkomm Inc.)

5.1 Each party acknowledges and confirms that any information received from the other party orally or in writing for the purpose of this Loan Agreement is confidential information. Each party shall keep such information confidential and cannot disclose any related information without the other party’s prior written consent, but the following information shall not subject to such confidentiality: (a)information that is or will be generally known to the public (provided that such information does not result from the receiving party’s unauthorized disclosure to the public); (b)disclosure of such information is required by applicable laws or security exchange rules; or (c)information to be disclosed to the directors or the legal or financial advisors of any party for the transactions contemplated under this Loan Agreement, if such directors or legal or financial advisors are subject to confidentiality obligations similar to those in this confidentiality clause. Any leak of confidential information made by the employee or counsel of one party shall be deemed as a leak made by that party, and that party shall be liable for the breach in accordance with this Loan Agreement. This clause shall remain in force regardless of whether this Loan Agreement is terminated for any reason.

07/30/2019 (Pintec Technology Holdings Ltd)